Well here is my point of view on what I can say about GD's new look. Well Here it is. . . It's so freakin' HOT!! Super! I love his new look. He looks like Near from a popular anime Death note. Where Near is a very cool detective who only discover the killer behind the killings using the Death Note used by Kira.
Anyhow, GD is so cool on his new look. His song Heartbreaker which first i saw from youtube really rocked me on. It really surprised me that GD was that a hottie. Like I am not that a Fan of GD but like i'm so turning into one. But I will still be a Fan of 2pm of course 'cause I love them first and GD is my second. Ahihihihi~! ~♥
As for GD, I want his style to be like that forever. Even though I am not a fan but for me as a kpop lover I will also love him as a fan but not absolutely a totally avid fan but a normal fan who idolizes him. ayt~♥
Here are some pictures of G-Dragon's new and hottie look. ^_^

**Credits -
Lucy Miao @ soompi**
Gotta love em all~♥